About our company

Main activity has been distribution of VENATOR titanium dioxide, Sachtolith HDS, Sachtolith L, BFXMI, Lithopone. VENATOR is one of the leading world TIO2 producers.
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Main activity has been distribution of VENATOR titanium dioxideSachtolith HDS, Sachtolith L, BFXMI, Lithopone VENATOR is one of the leading world TIO2 producers. Products are designed  for both industrial and decorative coatings producers, rubber, plastics, paper, masterbathes and specialties.

Since VENATOR acquisition of Rockwood’s Sachtleben division in the Year 2014 the products portfolio has been widen by specialty titanium dioxide pigments, color pigments and functional additives.

Very important is longterm cooperation with refineries as PKN Orlen, Lotos, OMV in the field of fuels, polypropylenes, polyethylenes, MEG and DEG.

Company imports high tenacity PES and PA yarn especially for fire hoses and ropes producers as well as PES DTY and FDY for medical textiles.

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